May President’s Message
Hello to all and Happy May,
May brings so much hope and joy with nice weather we have been having to all the spring flowers blooming!! I hope that each of you have had the time to get out and enjoy Tuolumne County.
May will be our first hybrid general meeting for our membership. We will meet in person and also offer a Zoom link for those who want to enjoy from home. Please mark your calendar and join us on May 19th at 5:00pm. Please visit our website for more information. I will also be sending an email out with more information.
Our New website is live, thank you to all who helped get this big project up and running. We also have a new logo!!!
We will be moving into using E- Commerce for all our meeting and donation payments. This will help stream on any extra cost that we have been spending on all the charges the other companies have been charging us.
I am looking forward to seeing you all in person on May 19th…
Enjoy your month!!!
Your 2021 President, Jennifer Valdez of An Occasion Florals & Planning