Become A Member
Membership dues are payable by January 1st, the beginning of each calendar year, or whenever a new member submits an application for membership. Memberships are valid for a full calendar year from the date of purchase. After January 31st, membership shall be considered delinquent and names may be dropped from the roll. Apply below or use the Downloadable Member Application.
TCWN has several options for membership starting at $40 a year ($35 if purchased by December 31st of the year previous.) Membership options for your business are listed on the application. New members are subject to the customary dues. Both new and renewing members may wish to pay for a TCWN nametag ($20).
TCWN has no requirements for a minimum number of annual meetings to attend.
Benefits of Membership
Monthly Meetings + Networking Opportunities
Educational Programs to Support your Business
TCWN Facebook and Instagram Exposure, free advertising!
If you have any questions, please contact:
We look forward to seeing you at a meeting soon!
We want to hear from you!
PO Box 405 Standard, CA 95373