October General Meeting
What better way to kick off the autumn season than with a festive night of seasonal fare, and FUN?! After so many months on Zoom and away from our friends, we are excited for the opportunity to begin meeting in person again, safely and responsibly, and just in time for the holiday season. We hope you’ll join us for this fun night to reconnect, network, and share a wonderful meal. Read on to see what’s in store!
October 20, 2021 at 5 pm
On the West Wind Patio at Teleli Golf Club
A Festive Evening of Networking, Dinner and Halloween Bingo
The evening will kick off at 5 pm for networking on the patio. Grab a glass of wine at the West Wind Bar, hand out business cards, and purchase your Bingo cards! At 5:30 we will enjoy a harvest-themed, seasonal gourmet dinner prepared by the kitchen staff at Teleli Golf Club. Click the link below to see the entree choices (and don’t forget to make your reservation and menu selections by Sunday, October 17th!). During our member introductions and announcements, there is also one additional piece of business that we will need to tend to: Voting on our 2022 Board! We are so excited to announce the nominees and get a sneak peek of what’s in store for next year. Just another reason that you don’t want to miss this night!
Following dinner, we invite you to let your hair down, relax and settle in for a few rounds of Bingo, TCWN Style! We will play three rounds of Bingo for prizes, and the last money round will be for the 50/50 pot! Last but certainly not least, we will end the evening with our annual Scholarship Raffle drawing. (Don’t forget to bring your money and ticket stubs to the meeting).
We hope you will join us for what is sure to be a night of laughs, good food and good friends… in a beautiful setting! Please click the link below for full meeting and menu details. (And remember, this dinner will be held on the West Wind Patio at Teleli Golf Club — make sure to dress cozy and bring a sweater!).
Reservations and advance menu selections required — RSVP by October 17th!
For meeting and menu details, and to purchase tickets CLICK HERE!